Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Fever, Literary Style

We Did It! Assuming all reader of this blog supported our President-Elect Barack Obama in the election (and if you didn’t I have no qualms telling you to leave now), this is certainly one of the best weeks in our lives. Being a complete bookworm, I immediately consulted Amazon to see what I should be reading up on as we usher in this new era of American History. This is what I came up with:

Ms. Chisholm is a true black American icon. She was the first black woman elected to the U.S. Congress and the first black person to run for president of the U.S. Obama’s win surely owes this woman some credit.

Yes our dear leader penned books even before he took control of the ’08 election. Hope is a huge part of Obama’s plans for our country, so I’d love to get a crack at where the head man’s head is at.

I hope that you’ve heard that Obama isn’t wasting any time tooling up for the inauguration. He’s already hired former Clinton staffer Rahm Emmanuel as the Chief of Staff for the new administration. Interestingly, Rahm inspired a character on the politi-drama The West Wing.

Yes We Did! Visit the new administration’s webpage at


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