You would think us bibliophiles would know better than to judge a book by its cover. But sometimes we just can't help ourselves. Nicole and Whitney have already confessed. Now I'm fessing up too. But then again I don't know many avid readers who wouldn't agree that sometimes the cover illustration screams "read me!"
For my graduation party in May I received many wonderful and thoughtful gifts from loved ones, the best of which included gift cards for Barnes and Noble! It seems as though my love for reading is as commonly known as my last name. Well I couldn't wait to get myself into a Barnes and Noble. I was so impatient, in fact, that instead of waiting until I had time to go to the nearest one (which is 30 min away from my house) I decided to peruse the website.
Mr. Barnes and Mr. Noble are officially my homies because I bought 17 brand new books for $60 bucks. Yes you read that right, 17 books. I just couldn't say "no" to any of them at the ridiculously low sales prices: $1.99, $3.99, and one for $5.99! I normally buy bargain books - used of course - on, at thrift stores, and at the library's used bookstore but brand new!? You don't get that everyday my friends.
Take a peek at some of the ones that I bought because the cover and/or title was appealing. Luckily, many of them were on B and N's bestsellers list. Now I need to find a table to hide the books under (my mom and I hide books from my dad because we have bookshelves all over the house that are stuffed to the brim)!
For my graduation party in May I received many wonderful and thoughtful gifts from loved ones, the best of which included gift cards for Barnes and Noble! It seems as though my love for reading is as commonly known as my last name. Well I couldn't wait to get myself into a Barnes and Noble. I was so impatient, in fact, that instead of waiting until I had time to go to the nearest one (which is 30 min away from my house) I decided to peruse the website.
Mr. Barnes and Mr. Noble are officially my homies because I bought 17 brand new books for $60 bucks. Yes you read that right, 17 books. I just couldn't say "no" to any of them at the ridiculously low sales prices: $1.99, $3.99, and one for $5.99! I normally buy bargain books - used of course - on, at thrift stores, and at the library's used bookstore but brand new!? You don't get that everyday my friends.
Take a peek at some of the ones that I bought because the cover and/or title was appealing. Luckily, many of them were on B and N's bestsellers list. Now I need to find a table to hide the books under (my mom and I hide books from my dad because we have bookshelves all over the house that are stuffed to the brim)!

ttyl dearies,
P.S. I also bought the Breakfast at Tiffany's DVD because I love me some Holly Golightly! I need to read the book someday.
P.S.S. I feel bad for the delivery man. That is going to be one heavy box...
This is so cool! 17 books for $60 is most definitely the business! That's a great idea of buying books blind, based soley on the cover. You may discover a new author or story that you end of loving:) I'm definitely inspired to try this...hopefully Mr. B&N will be as good to me as he was was to you!
Nikita! I heart you...we really are kindred spirits bc Barnes is one of my fav places in the world...I've heard good things about Devil in the Details should pass that along when you finish!
I still have never seen Breakfast at Tiffany's! How about I come to DC and we watch it! I'll bring the popcorn. :-) And bargain books make life worth living.
'Lissa! I'm so ashamed that you're my friend and you've never seen BAT! It's only like my 5th favorite movie...but I like you're idea about party in DC...I'll come and bring the soda, lol!
Ok, its a date! Ahh, movie nights thats what great lit. circles are all about, lol.
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