Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Be Still My Beating Heart!

I cannot tell you all how excited I am about this website! It's been bookmarked in my Favorites page for well over a month now, and I wanted to write about it the minute I came across it but I could never seem to find the right words to express my deep love. But like a secret romance I can't keep it to myself any longer. I have to tell somebody! And who better than the sassy, smart bibliophiles of UL, right?!

Feast your eyes on The Book Cover Archive. Seriously. This site is a visual cornucopia of amazing book covers of all genres of literature. Just as Melissa mentioned being taken by a book based on it's cover with just one glance, so is the intention of this website: to grab your eye's attention for a book by featuring covers that dazzle, inspire, and provoke. Once you're in then the enlightenment can begin. The website itself is built with a great aesthetic that allows you to view a full page of colorful book covers and then click on any one to get more detailed information about that particular title. Be prepared to set up a special folder where you can store dozens of images of books you plan to track down via Amazon or Barnes & Noble later on. (I know I have already ;) I would love to post an image of the site's homepage here, but my computer's screen shot feature is currently out of commission. But here's a sneak peek at what kind of cover designs are featured.

I thought you might like that ;)



RC Gray said...

you were so right about this website! i fall back on two criteria when picking a book for the first time:

1. does the opening line grab my attention?
2. does the cover arouse my bibliophile interests?

thanks for the nice recommendation.

Elle* said...

I love this! Book covers DO matter to me. Especially after a book has been turned into a movie--I don't like seeing the actors on the covers, b/c it's not the same thing!

whitney said...

Elle, I feel EXACTLY the same way. Like the secret life of bees. Don't put Dakota Fanning on the cover...ugh! It ruins it!