Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Literary Links: Bookseller Brawls + Old-School Personal Ads

Amazon and Barnes & Noble go head to head offering e-text reader applications. [via GalleyCat]

In a shining new example of celebrities gone wild, Alice Hoffman flipped out over a negative review of her new book. Now she has offered a half-hearted apology. [via Bookslut]

Forget e-Harmony—check out these 19th-century personal ads, the subject of Pam Epstein’s history dissertation. [via Très Sugar]

The US market it soon to be graced with the presence of the Book Depository, a company that ships books around the world for free. [via Dear Author]

Though this post is written toward booksellers, it announces an important opportunity for all readers and book-lovers: Support Literacy Every Day. [via Book Shop Blog]

At the intersection of music and reading: What music makes you think of sci-fi or fantasy? [via Tor]

Larry at OF Blog of the Fallen reviews trends in blogging, and considers whether some book blogs are headed down a reader-unfriendly path. [via Aidan Moher]

Curious about the history of children’s picture books? Check out this interactive timeline! [via Imaginary Lands]

--Rachel Frier

Photo: Galley Cat

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