Monday, July 20, 2009

Literary Links: Literature Ink + Nerdy Beers

John Christie offers the most comprehensive list of book-related beer names ever compiled. [via Brews & Books]

Mark Sarvas completes his interview series with Joseph O’Neill, author of Netherland. [via Mark Sarvas]

When forming the indie band Harry and the Potters, Joe and Paul DeGeorge were probably not aware that they were creating what a Time magazine article calls a new genre of music. [via John Green]

“Your body is not MySpace!” Molly Lambert argues against literary tattoos. [via This Recording]

Get your PoMo on with this annotated list of 61 essential postmodern reads. [via Jacket Copy]

“Middle-aged women want to read books about sex more than anything else, new research has found.” They also read cookbooks. [via Marie Claire]

In an average year, an average American spends an average of $118 on reading materials… and $457 on alcoholic drinks. [via Visual Economics]

No more Madam Librarian: in front of a sell-out audience, these librarians go wild in competition for the Golden Bookcart. [via NPR]

Glen Binger interviews Brand Scott Gorrell regarding his collection of poetry, During My Nervous Breakdown I Want To Have A Biographer Present. [via Broad Set Writing Collective]

Following a copyright infringement case, Amazon has had to pull copies of Orwell’s 1984 from readers’ Kindle devices. Big Brother is watching. [via Fashion Piranha]

--Rachel Frier

Photo: This Recording

1 comment:

umf_skibum said...

Thanks for the link! Glad to hear that this combo of good beer and good books has some appeal.

It's Josh Christie, though :-p.