My freshman year in college, I had what may have been the worst English teacher ever in my life. The only reason why I can remember her with semi-fond memories is because she chose
Black Girl in Paris by Shay Youngblood as one of our four required semester readings. I won’t argue that it’s the best book ever written but it’s the first time that I can ever remember being captivated by a piece of literature.
The protagonist, Eden, captured my heart by the third page with the following passage:

That passage instantly placed me into Eden’s shoes. Just like her, I had dreams of my travels to far away lands as a little girl; at 18 years old I was desperately seeking my own identity; and I, too, often thought that I was walking alone on a nonexistent path - never believing that someone could ever relate to my hopes, dreams, doubts, and vulnerabilities.
Therefore I walked with Eden through her journey. The rest of the novel, which read like poetry at times, both captured and fueled my soul. This novel is a beautiful piece of art that inspires you to live life, follow your passion, be more open, and discover who you want to be.
What book(s) most captured you on your quest to discover your true self?
Mademoiselle M.
passage can be found here on Amazon.com's website
1 comment:
new blog? look at you! i can't even keep up with one as you can see=)
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