Rachel and the Upside Down Heart by Eileen Douglas
I first came across this true story while browsing through the shelves of my neighborhood library, a small but voracious reader all of 4 years old.
This is the story of Rachel, a 4 year old girl from a beautiful country house in Kentucky whose world suddenly changes when her dad dies. Now, Rachel must leave her friends and world behind for the hustle and bustle of New York City, exchanging her swing set for swinging doors, her tall trees for skyscrapers and her cushy childhood for the unknown.
Though this is a children’s story and definitely a short read, I, too felt the pain and anguish Rachel experienced as she felt her world, and her heart, flipped upside down. She overcomes tragedy and survives her heartbreak with the help of her mom, neighbors and new friends. Truly a story of rediscovering happiness in the midst of trial, Rachel and the Upside Down Heart is a timeless classic in my opinion and summertime must-read.
Do any books from your childhood stand out in your memory? Which ones?
I was completely obsessed with Mildred Taylor's books as a kid...Cassie Logan was my braver, smarter and cooler self.
Ameila Bedelia all day every day
Dear Melissa,
As the author of "Rachel and the Upside Down Heart" I am always delighted when I see that someone else has found something touching in it.
Especially to hear that you found it in your library and read it at such a young age.
Thanks, Eileen Douglas
Thank you so much, Ms. Douglas. This book changed my life. Maybe my purchase of this book was foreshadowing, but years later I still re-read it as I peruse my bookshelf and recount days spent with my mom. Thank you for what I will always see as a timeless classic. I draw my hearts right-side up again. :-)
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