Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bookmarks 7. 28.09

Literary Death Match in New York, N.Y. (July 30, 7:00 p.m.) – This event, held at the Bowery Poetry Club and Café, can’t be described better than it is on its own site: “Opium Magazine's Literary Death Match marries the literary and performative aspects of Def Poetry Jam, rapier-witted quips of 'American Idol''s judging, and the ridiculousness and hilarity of Double Dare.” This looks like one not to be missed, friends.

Printer’s Ball and Gaper’s Block Get-Together in Chicago, Ill. (July 31, 5:00 p.m.) – Chicago’s literary web magazine Gaper’s Block will co-host the Printer’s Ball at Columbia College’s Ludington Building. The event will be a mixer for the city’s publication scene, and include music and a poetry slam. Complimentary beer is available for those over 21.

The Flamenco Poets Society Presents Passages by Women in Houston, Tex. (August 1, 8:00 p.m.) – The Flamenco Poets Society seeks to complement the majesty of poetry with the heat and rhythm of flamenco music and dance. Passages by Women, held at The Artery, will feature three Latin-American female poets reading against the flamenco guitar of Randy Cordero.

Alabama Bound: Contemporary Fine Press and Artists’ Books in Mobile, Ala. (through Nov. 13) – This exhibition features many high-quality books of art from a variety of Alabama art groups, from watercolor to graphic design to quilting. It showcases individual artists’ work and the book itself as an art form.

Edgar Allan Poe: More Than a Poet in Baltimore, Md. (through December 6) – This exposition at the Enoch Pratt Free Library will showcase rare personal letters, notes, photographs, and other memorabilia belonging to Poe. You’d have to be stark Raven mad to miss this Tell-Tale exhibit. If you aren’t Ushered in, you’ll Rue the day forever.

--Emmaline Silverman

Photo: Wisc.edu

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