Katharine Donelson works her way through Proust’s In Search of Lost Time (aka Remembrance of Things Past), 50 pages at a time. [via Blog Critic]
The Long List for the 2009 Man Booker Prize has been announced! [via Daily Beast]
Feeling artsy? Create your own debut YA book cover. [via 100 Scope Notes]
What gets your reading? Jane considers compelling incipit lines. [via Dear Author]
Help raise awareness of spec fic: if you’re a genre reviewer, join the Book Reviewer's Linkup Meme. [via Grasping for the Wind]
As if there wasn’t enough Harry Potter fiddle faddle, now you can play the Hogwarts House Cup Challenge game in your own home. [via Books and Other Thoughts]
Calling all would-be orators: now you, too, can devise the perfect Best Man wedding speech! Just use this handy flowchart. [via Holy Taco]
--Rachel Frier
Photo: Jezebel
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