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Here's what they wrote:
No crazy styling ideas, just books in their myriad of colors and sizes. Having shelves above doors and windows is one of my favorite ways to utilize otherwise under utilized space. If you are lucky enough to have built in ones, fantastic. If not and you desperately need more room for books — take a gander above your doors and windows. Could you put a shelf up there?
--Whitney Teal
that's my dream... for my house to look like that in many ways! the only problem is I will probably never move again once I have that lol. It's HELL to have to move books!
LOL @ hell to have to move books. It's funny because I'm a huge pack rat when it comes to most things, but not books. I never really have any attachment to the actual thing itself, which is probably odd because I read so much. But it's good because I never have a whole bunch of books to move...I just give them away or donate to Goodwill or something if they're getting too heavy :( I've told myself that I need to stop doing that though, because when I want to go back and re-read something it's not there!
yea that's the worst! My mother and I always keep the ones we loved and donate the others. She even leaves the really bad ones on the train for someone else! lol she cracks me up.
But the in betweens we often end up keeping... which results in the way too many books we have! In my new apt I only have one small bookshelf deliberately because I want to make a conscious effort to only keep the books I love!
Pics of all those books is heavenly! One day, I hope to have something like that.
I seriously teared up when I saw these pics. I LOVE them. Gives my slightly leaning to one side raggedy bookshelf and messy room something to aspire to.
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