Friday, October 2, 2009

SheReads: Miss Melissa, Do-Gooder-in-Training

SheReads looks at the reading lists of cool chicks. If you want to be featured, send an email to

The Ditchdigger's Daughters by Yvonne S. Thornton: "I heard this one on tape (yes, as in cassette) many moons ago, then it was made into a movie. As usual, I still love the book and it really makes me want to write a book about my family too. Synopsis: Man, a ditch digger in fact, has family of six daughters who all grow to be professionals including two doctors and a lawyer."

Big Girls Don't Cry by Connie Briscoe: "One of those books I can just keep re-reading. In this book, we watch Naomi mature and find her best personal and professional life. I felt like I was right there living, loving, being lost, being found. This is a great story you may not be able to put it down either!"

Veronika Decides to Die by Paolo Cuelho: "Just that. She decides to die and attempts suicided but suddenly she wants to live more than ever. Really makes you appreciate life."

Must Reads ("I hope to get to these before the year 2011, if life every slows down!")

  • The Alchemist by Paolo Cuelho: "The first book my boyfriend read and enjoyed. Ever. I want to see what it's about one of these days."
  • 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers: "I want to be powerful, what can I say?"
  • Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison: "A classic. I've started and hope to finish."
  • Seen it All and Done the Rest by Pearl Cleage: "I LOVE Pearl Cleage. Ever since I read What Looks like Crazy on an Ordinary Day we've been together. This is her only one I have yet to read. Yippee!"
Miss Melissa is a do-gooder-in-training in Cleveland (literally; she's studying to receive a Master's in Non-Profit Organizations). Besides helping the world, she enjoys reminiscing about the glory days of smooth R&B, meeting other non-profit visionaries and reading. Catch her hilarious take on life, in 140 characters or less, at

--Whitney Teal


Nicole said...

Love it! Great post! And a short while there was a post about a Paris Hilton checking out the "48 Laws of Power" as well in the Oh Snap! feature :)

Nikita T. Mitchell said...

Love it! How about 3 of the 4 books listed to read are on my list too! (Alchemist being very soon since I stole it from my momma's book shelf last weekend). I'll def be waiting on a review of that Pearl Cleage book because I really loved What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day. I have not read any of her other books yet.

SheReads is my fave feature to date. But then again maybe I'm biased... *innocent shrug*

Melissa said...

My favorite feature, too - hands down! Love, love, LOVE it! Keep up the great works, Ladies.