The Ditchdigger's Daughters by Yvonne S. Thornton: "I heard this one on tape (yes, as in cassette) many moons ago, then it was made into a movie. As usual, I still love the book and it really makes me want to write a book about my family too. Synopsis: Man, a ditch digger in fact, has family of six daughters who all grow to be professionals including two doctors and a lawyer."
Big Girls Don't Cry by Connie Briscoe: "One of those books I can just keep re-reading. In this book, we watch Naomi mature and find her best personal and professional life. I felt like I was right there living, loving, being lost, being found. This is a great story you may not be able to put it down either!"
Veronika Decides to Die by Paolo Cuelho: "Just that. She decides to die and attempts suicided but suddenly she wants to live more than ever. Really makes you appreciate life."
--Whitney Teal
Veronika Decides to Die by Paolo Cuelho: "Just that. She decides to die and attempts suicided but suddenly she wants to live more than ever. Really makes you appreciate life."
- The Alchemist by Paolo Cuelho: "The first book my boyfriend read and enjoyed. Ever. I want to see what it's about one of these days."
- 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers: "I want to be powerful, what can I say?"
- Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison: "A classic. I've started and hope to finish."
- Seen it All and Done the Rest by Pearl Cleage: "I LOVE Pearl Cleage. Ever since I read What Looks like Crazy on an Ordinary Day we've been together. This is her only one I have yet to read. Yippee!"
--Whitney Teal
Love it! Great post! And a short while there was a post about a Paris Hilton checking out the "48 Laws of Power" as well in the Oh Snap! feature :)
Love it! How about 3 of the 4 books listed to read are on my list too! (Alchemist being very soon since I stole it from my momma's book shelf last weekend). I'll def be waiting on a review of that Pearl Cleage book because I really loved What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day. I have not read any of her other books yet.
SheReads is my fave feature to date. But then again maybe I'm biased... *innocent shrug*
My favorite feature, too - hands down! Love, love, LOVE it! Keep up the great works, Ladies.
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